Camp New Moon Shoppable Packing List

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Shop Camp New Moon's Packing List!

A quick User guide: Camp Connection carries almost everything your camp asks for, with a few exceptions. We have kept this clickable list as true to your camps original as possible.

Each link will open in a new tab/window - we recommend you keep this tab open and browse the new one. When you are done shopping that item, close the window and come back here. Don't worry - any items you add to your cart in any window will stay put - just refresh this page to see your new additions.

If you have any questions about the list: The best people to contact are your summer camp administrators.

If you have any questions about our items: The best way to contact us is via email - We're usually back to you in under 24 hours (a little longer on weekends)

We Recommend: Bringing old/used items to camp whenever possible - these items will be used hard and may never make it home.  

General Instructions:

  1. Mark camper’s name on everything: IRON-ON labels are best for clothes; a LAUNDRY MARKER or INDELIBLE ink (printed on tape) is best for sports equipment.
  2. Do not pack delicate clothing articles that require special washing instructions;
  3. Pack all items in duffel bag(s); no trunks or suitcases
  4. The camp provides a Laundry bag!





Sports Gear

  • baseball glove (if used)
  • fishing rod (if owned)
  • tennis racquet (provided in lessons)


  • roller blades (if used)
  • hockey stick (if played)
  • roller hockey protective gear (must have helmet + protective eye goggles for hockey – we recommend hockey helmet and cage; large glasses used for Squash/Racquet Ball)

What not to bring

This list has been to ensure our camper’s health and safety. We are also trying to promote a culture within camp that promotes healthy, social interactions, reflects the natural environment. Help us minimize the material elements that are best left in the city. Please DO NOT send the following items to camp. They will be confiscated and NOT RETURNED Thanks for your help and support

Wireless Communication

  • No cell or smart phones, or any similar communication device. PERIOD!


  • These are fire hazards, and include, hot pots, kettles, toasters, mini-stoves, hair irons


  • Any screen device that is capable of showing images or video of any nature (Non-Screen Digital Music Players are allowed)
  • Any gaming device that has a screen

Electric Fans

  • Only portable, battery-operated fans are allowed

Electrical Cords

  • No power bars, extension cords, etc.


  • No lawn chairs or any sitting devices are allowed. Cabin porches, benches around camp, or the ground (supplied by camp!) are excellent alternatives


  • Food delivered to camp will be confiscated. Campers can bring food to camp for the 1st night cabin party, and treats for a ‘bunk party’ on Visitor’s Day; it will be collected the next day. NO PEANUT PRODUCTS!
  • Bottled water is not allowed: cold water fountains are throughout camp


  • We discourage costly brand name clothing, and will not allow inappropriate labels and/or images appearing on clothing. Jewelry is strongly discouraged

Cabin/Bed Accessories

  • Please do not send ‘egg shell’ pads or other pads for beds