A quick User guide: Camp Connection carries almost everything your camp asks for, with a few exceptions. We have kept this clickable list as true to your camps original as possible.
Each link will open in a new tab/window - we recommend you keep this tab open and browse the new one. When you are done shopping that item, close the window and come back here. Don't worry - any items you add to your cart in any window will stay put - just refresh this page to see your new additions.
If you have any questions about the list: The best people to contact are your summer camp administrators.
If you have any questions about our items: The best way to contact us is via email - We're usually back to you in under 24 hours (a little longer on weekends)
We Recommend: Bringing old/used items to camp whenever possible - these items will be used hard and may never make it home.
We recommend simple and practical clothes. Children tend to lose or misplace their possessions, especially in an open communal environment such as camp, where so much is shared. Parents are asked to ensure that campers do not bring too many items with them to camp, particularly expensive articles of clothing or equipment. Camp has an overnight laundry service which picks up and delivers camper laundry on a weekly basis, so it is unnecessary to send more than a 9-day supply. Please do not send more than the numbers listed (which are based on a 3 ½ week stay at camp). Campers staying for one of our shorter sessions should alter the numbers below accordingly.
While portable music devices may be valuable for the bus ride up to camp, they can only be used during quiet times in the cabin. Portable devices, tablets and cell phones (with SIM cards) are not allowed in camp at any time. These items will be taken away and returned at the end of the camper’s session (see memo re: electronics in camp). Please adhere to this policy.
**Please note that Camp George does not do not carry personal toiletry items, stamps, or camp clothing/accessories in the tuck shop. Camp will ensure that campers receive small toiletry items should a camper require them.
It is essential to label every article of clothing, bedding, footwear and equipment especially for items that you hope to come home. Care should be taken that labels are wash-proof and securely attached. Camp George would prefer that you send two large duffel bags. Each piece of luggage must have a Camp George Luggage Tag attached. Luggage tags will be mailed in May.